Friday 11 July 2014

'Big Brother': Julie Chen on first evictions of the season and game changes


Each week after every eviction, host Julie Chen will answer a few questions about the latest episode of ‘Big Brother’. 
EW: Two evictions in, do you think the game changes have been effective?
JULIE CHEN: I absolutely think the game changes are effective. With two less people, it’s only going to get tougher to decide who the two HOHs nominate. It almost forces people to play hard or be eliminated. Plus you are going to have a lot of upset people every week with 4 nominees. Even if you win battle of the block, you are going to be mad you were nominated and then you’re going to want payback! This game just gets more intense.
You’ve seen hundreds of people play this game. What’s your opinion about Devtopia/Devin’s way of playing the game so far?Can someone please give Devin some directions? This guy is all over the map! He is overplaying and just talking too much. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. The sad part is, he thinks he’s doing a great job and thinks he’s a standup guy. I hope he watches the tapes when he leaves and learns from watching his own behavior. I think he has good intentions but he just doesn’t know how to play this game well.
You’ve had Big Brother all star editions and past contestants return to the show. But Frankie has a little following—and of course, his sister is even more famous and noteworthy. Were you worried at all about that, connection and how it would play out in the game?
I was excited that Frankie is the brother of Ariana Grande. I think she’s a huge talent and so I figured Frankie was coming from a good gene pool. He exceeded my dreams. He is hilarious and smart and a talented guy. Did you see his ballet leaps?! Impressive. The fact that Frankie has a following of his own and his sister also has a following is only good for the show. People who may have never checked out big brother were bound to and that’s a good thing!

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